Postdoctoral Positions

The Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (IASM) invites applications for 3-year postdoctoral positions in all major areas of mathematics. Candidates should possess a Ph. D. in Mathematics by the summer of 2023, and demonstrate outstanding promise in research. Salaries are commensurate with qualifications and will be at a high international standard.  

Candidates should furnish a placement dossier consisting of a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation (to be provided directly from the referees). In addition, the candidate should identify a potential mentor who is either a permanent member of the IASM or a scientist associated with the institute in the application letter (for a potential mentor, please find in the link /). 

The deadline for application is Dec 30, 2022. 

Application materials should be submitted electronically through the AMS website, applications and reference letters may be sent via email to Ms. Ran Ji at